What do you do with your time?
How do you pass the moments of your life? Moments shape our destiny. Our future. Our children’s future. We speak of inheritance as a monetary substance. It’s not. Inheritance is the air around us. The looks between us. The love we share. The memories that embed themselves into our brain
Two Words to Define Your Parenting Legacy
What two words describe the legacy you hope to pass on to your children? In other words, if someone asked your children years from now “What were your parents were like?” or “How did they make you feel?”, what would you want them to say? MINE: “Supported. Exposed.” I want

Of Vienna Sausages, Cuties and Waffles
I hear Jack and Maggie whispering in the hallway. It’s just the five of us at home. Me and the four kiddos. Severe thunderstorms over the past couple days have my lineman husband pulling eighteen hour shifts with the power company. It’s hard when he’s gone. We rely on him.
Morning Mocha and Magazines

The Light Keepers
9:23 pm. Tuesday night. Before the storm. The streets are dark. Clear. No traffic. Silence is disturbed only by an occasional dog barking at a stranger on her bike. I spy Orion. Regal. Radiant. Reliable. Three dots for a belt. The entire sky is full of stars tonight but I

Life is a Story
When I awoke this morning, six year old Maggie was already dressed and had helped Juli out of her crib. In the living room, she brushed her sister’s hair. “Mommy, isn’t she soooo beautiful!” she gushed. Two year old Juli beamed so hard at her big sister and clapped her

Oyster Stew and Storms
When I was a child, my dad use to make buttery rich, milk based oyster stew filled with cracked pepper to eat after he and I watched storms together. And we’d fill the bowl with the round tiny oysterette crackers. Mom hated it. She is not an oyster person. We

Storms are Approaching
I pulled into the drive. 2:15 pm. Mom & Dad’s little yellow house. Dark grey clouds loom. Thunder churns. The wind picks up. Midlands schools are cancelling evening activities. A tornado alert just sounded on my phone. My father, Jack, will be 70 years old this December. I spy him seated,

Encounter at the Park
I had an experience this past Thursday that needs to be recorded. But words failed me and I haven’t been able to translate the gut feeling into a story worth sharing. I’ll try again. Four year old Caleb, two year old Juli and I had stopped by this park we never