I Love You Notes

My eldest daughter Maggie and I went head to head this morning before school. Over an outfit she wanted to wear.  I just picked Jack and Maggie up from school.  The first thing she did as she climbed into the SUV is silently hand me this note.  Then she hugged

Should I have Given In?

Six year old Maggie has been angry at me for forty six minutes and counting now. She won’t talk to me.  She’s been stomping around.  She’s spent the morning crying Her face is blotchy.  Why? Because I wouldn’t let her wear her short sleeve, over the knees Elsa summer dress to

Mommy, Please Don't Go

Somehow every single organization I’m involved with has multiple meetings last week, this week and next week.  And Maggie has begged all week “Mommy, please don’t go to the meeting again” and she wraps herself in my arms.  Today she pouted and said how unfair it is that Caleb and

Children and Funerals

We took all four kids, ages eight, six, four and two to the viewing last night. We were all close to Aunt Leola and the kids adored her. My boys both did well. Happy go lucky Caleb at age four does not grasp things yet. He doesn’t pose deep life

Childhood Questions on Death

Welcome to my week….. I just had a long discussion with my six year old daughter about human death, what happens to our bodies after death, what many believe happens to our essence after our bodies die and how everyone will pass through death at some point. She had many

Goodbye, Leola

Our family has experienced a sudden, devastating loss. My mother’s wonderful younger sister, Leola, passed away unexpectedly in her sleep yesterday. She was 72 years old. She’s the second of mom’s nine siblings to pass since 2013.  I snapped this photo on Christmas Day two weeks ago at her daughter’s

Beaches, Stars, and Little Girl Wishes

The sky was ink. The king-sized quilt Kevin and I purchased on our honeymoon in Pigeon Forge ten years ago, the one with the country forest theme and laughing grizzly bear, separated the children and I from the white beach sand beneath. It’s ripped now. Time has taken a toll


Have you ever taken a moment to define yourself? Who are you? Who you want to be? This is your roadmap in life. Your own personal GPS.  Our society lumps us into categories from the moment we are born.  Breastfed or bottlefed? Cloth or disposable? Cryer? Screamer? Good sleeper? Bad

We Don't Like Vanilla Cake

So my dad, Jack, just celebrated his 69th birthday on Monday.  For cake, my mom baked him a Pineapple Upside Down Cake and I gave him a Lemon meringue pie. Both are his favorites. We only used six candles though as burning the house down wasn’t on his birthday wish

Leia, I Know

My mother and father’s generation watched their own favorite iconic film and music legends such as Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, Lucille Ball, Bing Crosby, Dean Martin fade away…… larger than life deaths that affected them so deeply they can still vividly recall where they were when they learned

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