two children watching each other


two children watching each other

She spends 9 years as a Mother but then

My almost three year old is lying in my arms. She’s my very last baby and I feel her aging acutely. We are on the master bed watching Sesame Street. She’s singing along with Elmo.  And clapping.  “What’s the letter of the day?” *clap clap* And she’s completely naked.  Her fine

Mommy, Please Don't Go

Somehow every single organization I’m involved with has multiple meetings last week, this week and next week.  And Maggie has begged all week “Mommy, please don’t go to the meeting again” and she wraps herself in my arms.  Today she pouted and said how unfair it is that Caleb and


Have you ever taken a moment to define yourself? Who are you? Who you want to be? This is your roadmap in life. Your own personal GPS.  Our society lumps us into categories from the moment we are born.  Breastfed or bottlefed? Cloth or disposable? Cryer? Screamer? Good sleeper? Bad

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