35 Fun Date Ideas Not Involving Food or Film

What are some date ideas for couples that DO NOT involve food or film? My local playgroup mama friend posed this question the other day on our group’s private Facebook page and there were soooo many great answers!  I loved the question so I decided to see what you all

The Last Swim Meet

Four siblings arrive at a swim meet with their tired parents. Mom questions their busy life and if it’s worth the hassle.

Storms at the Swim Meet

Thunder sounded its warning.  While waiting for the required thirty minutes for swim meet to restart, six year old Maggie and I took a moment to grab hidden snacks from the car. We held hands, walking back to the pool, chatting, just me and my eldest girl…. ME: “Maggie… I

Mommy Needs a Moment

Such a gorgeous day for reading romantic books set in the Low Country and watching kids romp in thick grassy fields! There is a crow above us in the rustling treetop caw’ing out, a mournful train passing nearby, and the swing chains are humming the song of childhood. The kids are

10 Years of Marriage

At 2:00 pm today, Friday, June 17, my husband and I will have been married ten years. It seems forever ago since that day. Yet not.  A full marital decade is a heck of a lot of daily time spent together. We’ve grown into adulthood side by side.  Matured. Changed. 

The Key to Longterm Relationships?

Next week is mine and my husband’s 10th wedding anniversary. Today, I had a great discussion with a group of wonderful friends on the topic of long term marriage and the difference between societal fantasy and daily reality! “How do you actually make it 10+ years? Tips?” was the question

Kevin, wanna go skydiving?!

Told Kevin I want to go skydiving and he should come with me.  KEVIN: “Nope.” I’ve been asking since we met.  Answer is always nope.  I haven’t given up hope yet.  Then Jack piped up from the backseat… JACK: :::admonishing::: “Mom. MOM. You’re gonna kill yourself. And what about us?

Growing Pains

Childhood passes quickly. How do we best comfort our children as they begin to age? Through tiny moments spent together.

Aging hands, Aging Souls

The slow aging of our children makes us acutely aware of our own progression of life. Our own mortality.  The slow aging of our very last child creeps the nail ever more definitively towards our coffin.  They learn to crawl, our bodies spread.  They learn to walk, our legs begin to

Stranded at the New River Gorge in West Virginia

Maggie is pointing at Jack, just outside of the frame.  It’s his turn to continue the story of the Big Red Goat who saw a scary ghost outside of the window one bright sunny morning. Each child was tasked with adding new and exciting details when the tale was handed

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